Daisypath Anniversary tickers
Lilypie Kids Birthday tickers

Lilypie Kids Birthday tickers

Lilypie Kids Birthday tickers

Saturday, June 26, 2010

Love Me Tender

All year, David has been teaching the Tender Paws class at church. Their last day was June 13th, but we had their end of year party today. We had a BBQ at our house. Each boy got a plaque containing the badges of each unit they completed. Keaton was so excited to get his!

Thursday, June 24, 2010

The Family and the Fishing Net

After filling up our pom-pom jar (for good behavior), the kids chose to go fishing at Bass Lake. They have something like a library card, but for fishing poles. Bait is $3. Great deal and lots of fun. It was really hot and we didn't catch anything, but it was so awesome to spend the time together.

Sunday, June 20, 2010

Kung Fu Fighting

Keaton and Juniper were invited to go to a Tae Kwon Do class with their two friends, Evan & Owen. Both kids did well, though Juniper was more attentive than Keaton. It was fun to watch and we were glad they invited us.

Monday, June 14, 2010

Jesus Loves the Little Children

Juniper finished up her first year of Prims class at church yesterday. She'll take the summer off and start again in the Fall. This year, she's memorized scripture and the books of the bible. Yes, she can recite them in order. We're so proud of her!

Wednesday, June 9, 2010

Fun, Fun, Fun

We're at our half way point on our vacation. We've been blessed with beautiful weather! Here are some more pictures. Enjoy!

Sunday, June 6, 2010

Swimming Pool

Wanted to post a video of Juniper swimming. This is a big deal! I don't know who's prouder, Juniper or us. Enjoy!


We made it to Corolla, NC! The trip here was not that bad. Playing for an hour in the pool before dinner was totally worth it! More fun ahead!

Wednesday, June 2, 2010

From the Beginning

I've enjoyed my Junebug Love Dare blog so much, I thought I'd start one for our family. It took me a while to come up with a cute title and it got me thinking about what the four of us all enjoyed. MUSIC!! So, every new post title will also be a song title. Fun, yet challenging!


Birthday Boy

Keaton's 4th birthday landed on a Thursday (may 13th), so his bowling party wasn't until the following Saturday. He did get cake and presents on his actual birthday though. Ben 10 is now another collection started in our house. Though it still pales against his impressive Matchbox cars collection!