Daisypath Anniversary tickers
Lilypie Kids Birthday tickers

Lilypie Kids Birthday tickers

Lilypie Kids Birthday tickers

Sunday, February 13, 2011

My Funny Valentine

Last weekend, we made our valentines for grandparents.  It was a blast and the kids got to be creative.  We took coffee filters and cut them into heart shapes.  Then, they colored them with markers.  When the hearts were colored, we put them on a pan and sprayed them with water.  It makes the colors bleed.  Then, they were set aside to dry.  When they dried, we pasted them on to a paper folded in half to make a card.  Very cute and personalized. 


Last night, we went to the circus.  It was Juniper's 2nd time and Keaton's first.  They both liked the motorcycles in the metal sphere.  We're hoping to make it a yearly tradition.  It was a lot of fun! 

Friday, February 11, 2011

Sugar, Sugar

This is the healthy breakfast my son made for himself this morning while I was in the shower.  Yes, those are Ritz crackers with sugar and fruit gummies sprinkled on top.  Although it was very creative and I appreciate the self sufficiency, I did not let him eat it. 

Sunday, February 6, 2011

On the Good Ship Lollipop

The 3 & 4 year old classes did this at work a few weeks ago.  Knew my kids would love doing them but had forgotten until David picked up Lifesavers at the store this morning.  So, after eating some popsicles because we needed the sticks, we got to work.  They're a big hit!

PS.  Here's how you do it.  Popsicle stick on foil.  6 Lifesavers in the shape of a flower so they touch each other.  Bake at 250 for 11 minutes.  Let cool.

Thursday, February 3, 2011

The Beginning

We registered Keaton for school today.  He'll have one half day the week of July 11-15th, then his first full day will be July 18th.  He seems excited about it!  Where did the time go?!

Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Wild Boys

Keaton did this from his top bunk.........naked.  Never a dull moment!