Daisypath Anniversary tickers
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Lilypie Kids Birthday tickers

Lilypie Kids Birthday tickers

Sunday, June 26, 2011

Strawberry Fields Forever

My MOPS group planned an outing to pick strawberries at Porter Farms off Hwy 42.  We had homemade ice cream after a belly full of berries.  Everyone went home happy (and messy)!

Dance with My Father

Church Alive's 3rd annual Father/ Daughter dance.  They really go all out for this one.  This year's theme was a Red Carpet Event!  So cute!  All those little girls love dressing up and spending the evening with their Prince Charmings.  

My Guy

Juniper's brownie troop had their annual Me & My Guy dance.  Lots of fun!

Easter Parade

Easter at our house again this year, with family.  Always such a great time!

Cosmic Egg

Our annual egg dying for Easter....

The Zoo

Our trip to the zoo!

A Certain Shade of Green

Okay, I know it looks gross, but I had fun making them and the kids loved them!  Green eggs and green milk! Happy St. Patrick's Day!

Roses are Red (My Love)

Got home from work on our 9th wedding anniversary (3/16) and came home to this....